Do you ever have discomfort in your skull and jaw? It can be caused by stress!
Do you ever have discomfort in your skull and jaw? It can be caused by stress!
Bruxism is the habit of grinding your teeth repeatedly, sometimes without realizing it. Bruxism can take place when you are awake or asleep. In a child, sleep bruxism can develop as early as two years old and peaks between the ages of 10 to 14. Awake bruxism is the more common version seen in adults.
Bruxism can cause damage to your teeth, gums, and jaw. Aside from wear and tear on our teeth and mouth tissue, symptoms of bruxism include headaches, jaw pain and stiffness, teeth sensitivity to cold and hot, and daytime sleepiness. Also, listen for popping or clicking sounds when you open your mouth wide.
The American Dental Association conducted a study in February 2021 that found stress-related oral health conditions have increased significantly in the last few years. For example, dentists report a 71% increase in grinding and clenching, 63% more chipped teeth, 63% more cracked teeth, and 62% more Temporomandibular Disorders.
Treatment for adults can be a night guard to prevent teeth from rubbing against each other. In addition, if bruxism in children is severe enough to cause significant wear on teeth, a dentist may place bite blocks on molars that allow wear to occur on them instead of their teeth.
As always, call with any questions or concerns!